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on the hormonal rollercoaster?

Your hormones might need some extra support if you’re experiencing: low libido, PMS, an irregular menstrual cycle, digestive issues, acne,

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Hair Tissue Mineral Testing: Frequently Asked Questions

Hair tissue mineral testing was developed in the 1970's by Dr's Eck and Watts. I personally became fascinated with hair tissue mineral testing in an effort to address my own health issues. I had all the classic signs of hypothyroid and unfortunately was not getting...

How to stop adrenal fatigue hair loss (treatment)

There is absolutely nothing fun about hair loss. That experience of washing your hair in the shower, or brushing your hair before bed, and having clumps of hair fall out, it just downright stinks. I experienced significant hair loss after both pregnancies, and then...

Basal Body Temperature: Tracking for fertility and metabolic health

Chasing symptoms. That feeling of knowing something isn’t quite right but not knowing how to troubleshoot. Late night searching on google after a long day of work for answers. I was in this vicious cycle when I learned about tracking basal body temperature.  It was...

Adrenal fatigue symptoms: is it a real thing?

Ever feel wired and tired? The feeling of laying down to go to sleep and you’re just so darn exhausted yet you can’t, for the life of you, fall asleep. You lay wide awake, your brain is going a million miles an hour, and you’re trying to force it to just STOP THINKING...

How Raw Carrot Helps with Estrogen Dominance

A raw carrot a day... could it really be the golden ticket to a more hormone balanced body? According to Dr. Ray Peat, a biologist who specializes in hormone and metabolic health, the raw carrot is an affordable, easy-to-implement functional food that can improve many...

How to master your menstrual cycle for productivity.

You know what’s the worst? When you’re about to get your menstrual cycle period and you have a jam-packed schedule or a looming deadline and all you want to do is take a nap. Maybe you’re tired and overwhelmed or you’re experiencing that hormonal brain fog. There’s a...

Cycle Syncing For Beginners

I remember my first few periods after quitting birth control a few years ago. They were ROUGH and I felt like I was a helpless prisoner to my period. I had awful cramps and low energy and a mounting to-do list- until I learned about cycle syncing. Track your cycle on...

Am I ovulating? 4 signs to look for.

Tracking your ovulation isn't just for those who are trying to get pregnant. It's also helpful to track if you are trying to avoid pregnancy OR if you are navigating hormonal imbalance. Once you get the hang of tracking your ovulation you'll find the symptoms aren't...

How I meal plan for the week

You know what I hate more than meal planning? I hate that feeling when it’s 4:30 pm and you have no idea what you’re having for dinner, and your kids are whining that they’re hungry. Meal planning is a necessary evil my friends, as tedious as it may be. It makes...

Cycle Syncing 101: Exercise

I used to be a TOTAL gym rat. I lived for 60+ minute HIIT / Bootcamp style workouts and am such a sucker for closing those rings on my apple watch. The more calories I would burn, and the higher my heart rate climbed, the more I felt I was doing my body "good". Until...

7 Benefits of Kombucha

Step foot in any grocery store and you'll see a wide variety of the health "elixir" known as kombucha. This probiotic-packed, fermented tea drink dates back to approximately 220 B.C. in northeast China where it was touted for it's medicinal and healing properties (1)....

Gluten Free Strawberry Muffins!

We are kicking off our fourth week of no school / COVID-19 quarantine and I'm grateful we had spring weather this past weekend. I find my mood and energy is majorly impacted by the weather lately, and after many rainy, dreary days last week we finally had a nice clip...

Easy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins!

We are on our second full week of COVID-19 quarantine, no school, non-essential businesses closed, life completely disrupted. Although it's been quite the adjustment for everyone and we're all anxious and fearful for the pandemic that is Coronavirus, I'm grateful that...

Choosing nourishing

I used to think eating “clean” had more to do with not eating too many calories and avoiding “bad” foods.  I was the girl that ate a big salad for lunch every single day, avoided “treats” at all cost during the week and followed rules like: No eating after...

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