The Fueled and Free Podcast

S3 Ep. 5: Thriving Through Perimenopause + Midlife with Adrien Cotton

Feb 14, 2024

Thriving Through Perimenopause + Midlife with Adrien Cotton

by Margaret Powell

episode 29 show notes

Facing the perimenopause gauntlet can feel like an uphill battle, with symptoms that disrupt our daily grind and test our resilience. Our guest, Adrien Cotton, gets real with us about the struggles and victories she’s faced as a mom of twins and small business entrepreneur, and how she’s used her experience to empower and educate women through midlife and beyond. 

Adrien is a speaker, certified fitness and nutrition coach, menopause expert, and wellness coach. She’s a mother of teenage twins and creator of the program MASTER Menopause Now! 

Adrien stumbled into the health and fitness industry, but she now leverages her fitness and wellness background to guide people from a state of giving up, to a place of proactive self-care. She’s passionate about helping women thrive during the rollercoaster that is midlife, using a holistic wellness approach that will lead to a more fulfilling today, and tomorrow.

Adrien and I chat about perimenopause – when it typically starts, common symptoms that are present with it, what the different stages look like, and more. We also talk more about her Wellness Wheel approach that supports perimenopausal women trying to juggle allll the responsibilities for themselves and their families, building simple and sustainable wellness habits when you’re in your forties and beyond, and more.

Even if you’re not yet in perimenopause or menopause, you will eventually be, and chances are, you know someone who already is. Adrien had SO much value to share in this episode, and I know it will be an incredible pep talk for you to listen to!

in this episode, thriving through perimenopause + midlife, we cover: 

  • Adrien’s journey from her high-leverage professional careers into the health and fitness industry, and how that led her to work with women in menopause {3:34}
  • When perimenopause begins, how long it typically lasts, and 4 common symptoms that present with perimenopause for most women {8:53}
  • When you’re officially in menopause {11:40}
  • Why you really can’t predict what perimenopause will look like for you {13:07}
  • Adrien’s experience with having twins at age 40 + dealing with both perimenopause and postpartum depression at the same time {16:50}
  • The three stages of perimenopause {18:56}
  • Using the spokes of the Wellness Wheel to balance self-care + all of the other responsibilities in your life as a perimenopausal woman {20:08}
  • Diet culture’s influence on women + the current healthcare system’s way to typically ‘treat’ patients {25:52}
  • Understanding that what/how much you need to eat is unique to YOU + learning to add in food, instead of always taking away {30:13}
  • Starting small with the Wellness Wheel spokes to build simple, sustainable habits {35:00}
  • Reframing how you view the ‘it’ when it comes to exercise and fitting IT into your already full schedule {39:34}
  • The power that comes from filling your bucket first {47:12}

**Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

More about the Fueled & Free Podcast:

Hosted by Margaret Powell, a Holistic Nutritionist, The Fueled & Free Podcast is a women’s health podcast that helps you cut through the noise of the wellness world, ditch diet culture & reclaim your metabolism.

Informative and relatable wisdom + guidance for the everyday woman, we cover topics on nutrition, hormones, gut health, thyroid health, nervous system regulation tools, motherhood, and more.New episodes release every Wednesday! Connect with Margaret on Instagram @margaretannpowell or email learn more about working with Margaret, head to

Lots of Love,


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